Saturday, March 24, 2012

Almost There!

The semester is winding down which means... Summer is just about here!!

I'm even more pumped for this summer than usual and I have no idea why. I'm going to be taking a class online and I'm going to be working and I have like a million and one things I want to do.

I think part of it might be the most excellent weather we have had these last few days. It makes me want to go to the beach SOOOOO bad... Like its probably unhealthy how bad I want to be there right now. But it's been really stellar the last few days. And good weather means everyone is in good moods.

Example of the entire population's lifted mood: We were sitting at a red light this afternoon with the windows down (duh!) and this guy on a moped type scooter with a girl riding on back started to chat with us. We only had time to cover where we were all from but Liver's from California and Moped Man was all like "Sacramento area?" and Liver's like "Yeah!" And so the entire mesh of us (Moped Man and girl in the back included) went away woo-ing.

Part of it might also be all the exciting things that make up the list of a million and one things I want to do. Like I have quite a few semi-obligations.

Obligation 1: I'm going to run the Tough Mudder with my dad and a group of people from his company. I'm nervous about that because I'm probably going to die a teeny bit that day. It's a twelve mile race with assorted obstacle courses. I haven't ever in my life done anything like this. My dad blames his signing up on a mid life crisis. Do people have early life crises circa 20 years old? That might explain me...

Obligation 2: I absolutely will be going back to visit SoCal this summer and that is so insanely exciting for me. I haven't seen my family and friends there in pretty much a year (I'm rounding up). It's going to be really awesome. It's kinda sucky because I know there's no way I could possibly do everything and see everyone that I want to while I'm there but I will certainly try my hardest!

Obligation 3: I am taking one class online (the second half of Book of Mormon) and I'm going to get a job. For some reason I don't even dread these things in the slightest. I'm really looking forward to my online class because I have been doing quite awesomely at reading my scriptures on my own time and it'll be nice to get some commentary in a semi-class setting on the things I've been studying on my own. I'm also really looking forward to working this summer. I'm really really REALLY hoping I can get an office type job like back in the day when I was working at WSR (for the record, I really loved that job). And I'll be able to actually save some of my money since I'll be living at home and won't have rent and groceries as expenses!

Obligation 4: I'm only sort of going to touch on this one because for some reason I don't like talking about it but I'm kind of excited about it at the same time and I want to share. There's this guy I've been writing while he was on his mission named.... Tarzan.. haha. He's pretty cool but here's the snag. We've never actually met. The plan all along has been to finally meet face to face at his homecoming. Well, that's this summer. In Boise. Which will be super fun. And nerve wracking at the same time. First impressions are so important. I'm hoping I'll actually be able to swing being there too because, as you'll have noticed, my obligations are kind of time sucks haha.

Oh I can NOT wait for summer!!! I just wish it was here already. So much really really super duper fantastically awesomely amazing things that should happen! Let's just hope I haven't set the bar too high, hm?

Saturday, March 17, 2012


This is my beautiful room roommate, Liver.
She's super awesome.

Example of awesomeness: She taught me to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the guitar this evening. Totally awesome.

I met Liver last semester and I have pretty much loved her ever since. It's pretty much impossible not to.
She's super super sweet but speaks her mind at the same time. She's a no nonsense kind of girl.
She has the biggest heart, too.

We talk entirely too much. It gets us into some sticky pickles, causing us to be up well past a decent bed time. It's nice because I can talk to her about anything. And we never stay on a super serious topic for very long because we end up laughing. Did I mention she's funny?

Anyways, she's super cool. And I've loved having her as my room roomie. I'll definitely miss sharing a room with her. Thanks, Liver, for being so totally awesome. You are truly incredible, my dear friend.