Here's the dealio though. With this, there's the reality of things as they really are which is not what I had hoped for when I graduated from high school nearly five years ago.
OK DON'T ANYONE GET MAD AT ME, I AM HAVING A LITTLE PITY PARTY FOR ONE. I know I'm not supposed to compare myself to others and all that jazz but sometimes I get the best of myself and I just gotta get it out so it doesn't consume me and my thoughts.
After being happy for the progress I've made, I stop and look around and I don't know how I feel about what I see. I am behind in many, many aspects of my life.
Looking at education, I should have graduated this last spring but I won't be graduating from college until next spring at the earliest. I have friends that will have finished graduate school about the time I am thinking about what to do next with my life.
In a more personal aspect, did you know that when I was a junior in high school? I thought that I would be married with at least one child by now? I am so definitely not a wife or a mother. I would still love to be though. I'm extremely hopeful that this is still going to happen in my life. However, this is one aspect that if I stop and look around I'm also pretty disappointed. If people aren't graduating from school and steps ahead of me there, they are steps ahead of me with marriage and family.
Then there's me, Miss Stuck-In-The-Middle. I am neither here nor there. I am not graduated from college but I'm not just starting. I am not married but I at least like to think I'm far from an old maid. I am not at the end of the tunnel and I'm too far now to turn around.
But see, here's the positive side. I know so much better now what I want in my life. I know better how to take care of myself and others. I know that I am completely satisfied with the field I'm going to be working in. I know that I have options ahead of me and I more than likely will not grow up to be an old dog lady. I'm surrounded by those that really care about me and the people in my life are there because I want them there. If I had married the first person I thought I loved, I don't know that I would be happy at all with my life. If I hadn't made the mistakes I did that have determined my later graduation date, I don't know that I would appreciate my education as much as I do.
I think that's what growing up really is. It's not a passing of time and just meeting certain milestones. It's getting dealt a bad hand and still finding a way to come out the winner. Because if we don't find the positive in all around us, we'll be stuck in a permanent pity party for one.
And no one likes a Debbie Downer.
Looking at education, I should have graduated this last spring but I won't be graduating from college until next spring at the earliest. I have friends that will have finished graduate school about the time I am thinking about what to do next with my life.
In a more personal aspect, did you know that when I was a junior in high school? I thought that I would be married with at least one child by now? I am so definitely not a wife or a mother. I would still love to be though. I'm extremely hopeful that this is still going to happen in my life. However, this is one aspect that if I stop and look around I'm also pretty disappointed. If people aren't graduating from school and steps ahead of me there, they are steps ahead of me with marriage and family.
Then there's me, Miss Stuck-In-The-Middle. I am neither here nor there. I am not graduated from college but I'm not just starting. I am not married but I at least like to think I'm far from an old maid. I am not at the end of the tunnel and I'm too far now to turn around.
But see, here's the positive side. I know so much better now what I want in my life. I know better how to take care of myself and others. I know that I am completely satisfied with the field I'm going to be working in. I know that I have options ahead of me and I more than likely will not grow up to be an old dog lady. I'm surrounded by those that really care about me and the people in my life are there because I want them there. If I had married the first person I thought I loved, I don't know that I would be happy at all with my life. If I hadn't made the mistakes I did that have determined my later graduation date, I don't know that I would appreciate my education as much as I do.
I think that's what growing up really is. It's not a passing of time and just meeting certain milestones. It's getting dealt a bad hand and still finding a way to come out the winner. Because if we don't find the positive in all around us, we'll be stuck in a permanent pity party for one.
And no one likes a Debbie Downer.