I'm going to start this post on a few seemingly unrelated notes. But give me a little wiggle room and I'll loop it all back, I promise.
It's been awhile since I've written on my blog. Like off the top of my head I want to say it's probably been about a year. That's quite a break, I'm sorry. But I have my reasons! First of all, I'm a little hard on myself when it comes to what I write and I always want what I write to feel at least kind of like I'm saying something important. Secondly, it's been kind of a rough year of ups and downs.
In the last year, almost everything has changed. I've dated and encountered heartbreak. I faced circumstances that forced my hand in changing directions for schooling. I started a full time job, closely fitting what I know how to do now as well as getting me closer to the field I want to work in. I also faced some health issues along the way. But I talked about the basics of all of that awhile ago as well so I won't bore you with those repeated details. Suffice to say, I've met a fair share of heartache in my life and this last year was obviously no exception.
Okay, now another quick note before looping back around!
About a month and a half ago, my mother sent everyone in our little expanding family an article that discusses ways to observe lent if you're not Catholic. There, of course, was the obvious choice of giving up a vice or two. There were other options as well like adding one or two good habits in your life like eating better or exercising. The one option that stuck out to me most as something I would be able to do was to wear purple as a visual reminder of Jesus Christ and what he has done for us.
I have a pair of purple gem stud earrings that my grandmother gave to me a couple years ago. I had planned to do a few other things in my personal observance of lent but I figured wearing these small earrings everyday until the end of lent (Easter) would be easy enough and something that I would be able to do even if my other plans fell by the wayside.
Did you know that wearing the same pair of earrings everyday for nearly two months is a lot more difficult than it initially sounds? That pair of earrings seemed to get heavier and bulkier every day. The holes of my pierced ears began to be sore and tired. It no longer became the easy thing I thought it would be.
(Now I'm going to work magic and tie this all together in a way you might already see coming)
There's a hashtag that's been trending as part of this Easter season, #becausehelives. The purpose of this hashtag was to spread the word of our love for the Savior as well as a way to share our individual testimonies of the Savior and the message of the LDS church. From the first time I saw the hashtag this season, I've tried to think of a way that would encompass all I feel and believe in a way that I could be satisfied with. I almost ran out of time before I finally thought of something. And you're reading it!
Like I said in the beginning, I've been through so much this last year and through every twist and turn, one of the only constants I've been able to rely on is the companionship and love of my Savior, Jesus Christ. He is there for me and His love for me is ever present. I've been protected from those hardships that I might not be able to handle.
Wearing those little purple earrings that seemed heavier everyday was nothing in comparison of the burden Christ bore for me. He bled from every pore. He was in all senses of the word tortured and brutally killed. And all this he would have done if it were only for my sake. I can't even fully comprehend the pain he must have suffered and yet he would even do it again for me! Me, the one who constantly makes mistakes and doesn't do enough of what I should. Me, who complains too much and so easily wastes incredible opportunities.
He did all he did for me!! And that's incredible.
Beyond the sacrifice of death, more important even, Christ rose from the grave. And because he conquered death, I can too. #BecauseHeLives there is nothing in this world I cannot accomplish. #BecauseHeLives I can live with him and my Heavenly Father again. #BecauseHeLives I know that anything I go through will be seemingly insignificant and entirely conquerable.
He did the impossible so that I don't have to. His love amazes me every day and I only hope that I can live my life in such a way that he feels no disappointment because of me. I'm a work in progress and I'm not perfect but he loves me anyway.
#BecauseHeLives I can live.