So, I have failed at posting blogs on a regular basis.
I do not feel that I exaggerate any when I say that this is a fail of epic proportions.
The last time I posted, I was still 16 and not quite a senior in high school.
Also, my father was gainfully employed and I was not sure where I would be going for college.
That wasn't even a year ago either!
It's strange how much can change in a matter of a few short months.
Since July of 2008, I have successfully made it into the college of my dreams.
I have been to a school dance with friends from school and enjoyed myself.
I am an editor on the staff of my school paper and a member of the Chamber choir.
I am on the Stake Youth Committee and am the Laurel class president.
Things still aren't as perfect as I had wished for them to be and some things have gone rather sour.
My father's employment situation has taken a drastic turn.
My grandfather is going through chemo.
My mother's aunt died a terribly painful death.
I might not get to go home to see everything I love one more time before its too late.
I have yet to feel totally at home when I am at church.
And I am totally terrified of the million firsts that my future currently holds.
Among these firsts are living on my own.
Being semi-financially responsible.
Not having to ask permission to do everything.
Living with someone other than family for more than a week.
Deciding what to have for breakfast.
Deciding to eat breakfast at all.
Going to the doctor alone when I'm sick.
Holding my own hair if I puke.
Doing the laundry. (ok I already do that but it takes a lot of reminding)
Going to church without my parents.
With the future staring me in the face, all I can do is take a deep breath and jump.
Jump? If you were a birdie, I'd be pushing you off the edge...
My little Sweetie, don't jump, don't fall, spread your wings and fly and never forget you will always have a soft place to land because you are loved. That is what motivates us to push you to fly my little one.
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