Saturday, February 4, 2012

Good Bye Kristoffer

This is a photo of me and Kristoffer from our first year at BYUI. We got super duper close and became pretty much best friends. We were inseparable. We could carry two conversations at once. We finished each others sentences. We said things at the same time. She got me and I got her.

This time around it's a little different. Kristoffer is getting married. So now I spend a lot of my time alone (hence lonely picture). I hardly ever see her. I've gone days without seeing her this year and we still share an apartment. 

I'll admit, I am a little sad about this. But I'm so incredibly happy for her. She used to say she didn't think she would ever find anyone, that she would die an old maid. I knew all along that she would end up with someone totally perfect for her. And she is.

Juggular (his name's been changed. and he picked his alias) makes her super duper happy. He has replaced me from the days of our first year up here but that's ok. Now, they say things at the same time. Now, they're inseparable. She has finally found a guy worth her time that treats her as stellar as she deserves.

Juggular, I hope you know how spectacular of a future wife you've found. She's one of my best friends and she's always been there for me, someone I could count on. You're taking her away and so you better earn it. Keep up the good work and keep in mind that if you ever ever EVER make a 180 change and start screwing up, I will hunt you down. She deserves the world and I know you will do everything to give it to her.

I'll miss you, Kristoffer. I already do. But,  again, I am super happy for you and wouldn't have things any other way. I always knew you'd get what you deserve :)


jessie.noelle said...

Love this<3 And you

necrodancer said...

It's interesting to watch you live your life, E-Bean.