Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dear Mom

(The time has come once again where it's someone's birthday and my blog post is written directly to them. As always, you can read it if you want to still. Just a heads up. Plus, this isn't just any someone. It's my mommy!)

Dear Mom,
It's your birthday!! I haven't been able to be with you on your birthday for two years now but I always try to do something for you all the same. And I promise I will bring a BYU-I tervis ish style cup home for you, as usual.

Mom, I know I haven't always been the best daughter I could be but you always put up with me. I know for the majority of my 21 years of life you technically had to put up with me but at the same time, I know it's not out of obligation that you keep me. I know you love me.

You are one of the strongest people I know. You have always helped to carry our family through rough times and managed to keep your head held high in the stickiest of situations. You were there for me growing up and I know that I can always count on you to be there for me now in my grown up life. I know if I had a real emergency that I can count on you to do all you could to help me. A lot of girls I know dread turning into their mothers. I think I would be lucky to turn out like you because then I know that everything would always work out.

While I've been in relatively few romantic relationships, every time something hasn't worked out you've been the one to help me feel better. When all feels as if it's falling apart, you are the one that picks up my pieces and hands me a bottle of glue. You don't coddle us but you take care of us and that makes you the best mom I could ever ask for.

I know I don't always show it and I don't always call like I should. I know that I could do a lot better at how to be a good daughter when you're away at school. But I do love you and I do care. I listen to all that you say even when it doesn't seem like it or you have to tell me a couple times for me to remember. You're my hero, Mom. And I couldn't ask for a better one. You're amazing and I hope that you always remember that, even when I'm being a stinker about calling or something.

I love you so so much!!

Love Always, Eliza Jean

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