So I know it's been a ridiculously long time since I've written on my blog. It was a really rough couple of months, especially April.
I got pneumonia in February and through my lack of stopping and stress and such, I then got mononucleosis. That was a big rough spot. I even spent a night in the ER because of it. I was going to be staying at school through the summer in attempts to sort of get ahead but because of my unfortunately timed illness, I am home for my foreseeable future.
On top of my terrible health, I met the end of yet another relationship. Shockingly, this one really snuck up on me. I don't understand what happened or why so I can't explain. I am working hard to not think too much on it and just pick up my pieces and carry on.
From the beginning of April to the end, it was especially rough since that's where the majority of my hardships have fallen. Because of this, my life motto right now is (like the title of this post) "April Showers Bring May Flowers."
I know that life won't be sunshine and rainbows from now on just because I say so. I wouldn't want that anyways. I'm simply deciding to change my attitude and go forward with a bit of a plastered smile. I am going forward with the intent that things within my control will be different-- this much I can do.
I am going to throw myself into being the best me that I can be. I'm doing this because, in my experiences, this is when things are the best. When I am my best self is when other things fall into place, life is golden, I'm happiest, and people with only positive things to offer come into my life.
I have decided to put off former bad habits (this is a rough work in progress) and to pick up a few more positive ones.
I am not perfect and I know I'm a work in progress. The important thing is not that I recognize my faults but instead where I'm working on those faults. This is a new beginning and nothing will be the same. I am changing for the better, I hope that you can keep up.
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