I'm awful at writing regularly. I always say I'm going to start writing at least once a week or every Sunday or something like that. But then I forget or I put it off and then I end up not writing anything.
I think part of my problem is I get annoyed with my writing. I want it to be deep and meaningful. I want it to stick in a person's soul. It needs to resonate. It needs to be important. And I get all these ideas of deep and important and meaningful things to write. But then any words I try to put down seem hopelessly inadequate, canned, and unoriginal.
I read something online just a little while back that was a quote or something from someone who's name I don't remember that basically stated no matter what we write or try to do creatively, we will always be bored with it because we've read it a million times. We've listened to it thousands of times. We've read and seen every single draft. Of course the idea is boring to us, we wrote it. We've spent more time with it than any other person ever.
I've decided I need to be less critical of myself. I know I can do good things and that I have important things in my head that need to get out. I just need to give my words a chance. They're not so bad. I just know them too well.
So you will be hearing more from me. I love writing when I let myself love it. Sometimes, I think I'll write from some kind of prompt, like a short story. Sometimes it'll be a commentary on something because I have too many opinions for my own good. But regardless, it will be my words that I put out into the world, for the world.
Stay Tuned.
I have a similar view of my blog. Im looking forward to this. And, you know who will be so excited about this?!? you know.
Dude, you are literally the best person in the world. Your words are so important not only to me but to everyone who reads them. Girl, you got this! Write whatever the heck you want and write it proudly! I LIVE for your writing!
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