Saturday, March 17, 2012


This is my beautiful room roommate, Liver.
She's super awesome.

Example of awesomeness: She taught me to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the guitar this evening. Totally awesome.

I met Liver last semester and I have pretty much loved her ever since. It's pretty much impossible not to.
She's super super sweet but speaks her mind at the same time. She's a no nonsense kind of girl.
She has the biggest heart, too.

We talk entirely too much. It gets us into some sticky pickles, causing us to be up well past a decent bed time. It's nice because I can talk to her about anything. And we never stay on a super serious topic for very long because we end up laughing. Did I mention she's funny?

Anyways, she's super cool. And I've loved having her as my room roomie. I'll definitely miss sharing a room with her. Thanks, Liver, for being so totally awesome. You are truly incredible, my dear friend.

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